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Linux Archives - Page 4 of 4 - Marc Gottlieb Consulting
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How to Install Invoice Ninja on Ubuntu 16.04

How to Install Invoice Ninja on Ubuntu 16.04

How to Install Invoice Ninja on Ubuntu 16.04

Invoice Ninja is a web-based open source software for invoicing, payments, time tracking and much more. You can create Invoices online in seconds, interact with payments gateways like Stripe, PayPal, WePay, and others. Invoice Ninja can show you a live invoice preview in PDF format. You can change the company logo in templates easily yourself. Invoice Ninja is based on PHP, build with the Laravel Framework and can be installed on Linux and Windows.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Invoice Ninja on Ubuntu 16.04. I will use Nginx as the web server and MariaDB as Database system.


  • Ubuntu 16.04 server.
  • Root privileges.

Step 1 – Install Nginx

In this step, we will install the Nginx web server. Connect to your server with your ssh root account (or login with another user and use ‘sudo -s’ to become root) and update the repository.

ssh [email protected]
apt-get update

Install Nginx with the apt command below:

apt-get install -y nginx

When the nginx installation is finished, start Nginx and add it to start at boot time.

systemctl start nginx
systemctl enable nginx

Make sure nginx is running. Check the port used by nginx, the default web server port is 80.

netstat -plntu

Nginx installed on Ubuntu 16.04

Step 2 – Install and Configure MariaDB Server

After installing Nginx, we need to install the package mariadb-server on the system. It’s available in the Ubuntu repository. Install mariadb-server and its dependencies with the command below.

apt-get install -y mariadb-server

When the installation is done, start the mariadb service and enable it to start at boot time with these systemctl commands.

systemctl restart mysql
systemctl enable mysql

MariaDB is started, now you can set the root password for mariadb with the command below.


Set your new MariaDB root password.

Set root password? [Y/n] Y
New password:
Re-enter new password:

Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Y
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y

Next, try to connect with the mysql shell as root user.

mysql -u root -p

You will see MySQL shell when everything worked correctly.

Now we need to create a new database and a new user for Invoice Ninja. I will create a new database named ‘ninjadb‘, a new user ‘ninja‘ with password ‘aqwe123‘. Please choose a different and secure password for your installation!

Create them with the mysql query below. Create a new database, create new user and password, grant database to the new user with a password.

create database ninjadb;
create user [email protected] identified by ‘aqwe123’;
grant all privileges on ninjadb.* to [email protected] identified by ‘aqwe123’;
flush privileges;

Install and Configure MariaDB for Invoice Ninja

MariaDB has been installed and a new database and user for Invoice Ninja were created.

Step 3 – Install and Configure PHP7.0-FPM

Invoice Ninja is based on PHP, so we need to install PHP to the system. We will use PHP7.0-FPM for this Invoice Ninja installation.

Install PHP7.0-FPM and other PHP extensions needed by Invoice Ninja with the command below.

apt-get install -y php7.0-fpm php7.0-gd php7.0-xml php7.0-mysql php7.0-zip php7.0-mbstring php7.0-mcrypt php7.0-curl php7.0-gmp

After the installation, go to the PHP configuration directory and edit the php.ini file.

cd /etc/php/7.0/
vim fpm/php.ini

Uncomment the CGI line below and change the value to 0.


Save and exit.

Edit php.ini file in the cli directory.

vim cli/php.ini

Uncomment the CGI line below and change the value to 0.


Save and exit.

Next, start PHP7.0-FPM and enable it to start at boot time.

systemctl restart php7.0-fpm
systemctl enable php7.0-fpm

By default, PHP7.0-FPM is running with a socket file, check it with the command below and you will see the PHP socket file as shown in the screenshot.

netstat -pl

Configure PHP7.0-FPM on Ubuntu 16.04

PHP7.0-FPM and all extensions needed by Invoice Ninja are installed.

Step 4 – Install and Configure Invoice Ninja

In this step, we will download and configure Invoice Ninja. First, install unzip on your system.

apt-get install -y unzip

Go to the ‘/var/www’ directory and download the Invoice Ninja source code with the wget command.

cd /var/www/

Extract the Invoice Ninja zip file and go to the ‘ninja’ directory.

cd ninja/

For the Laravel project, we need to install the composer dependency manager for PHP. It’s available in the Ubuntu repository, so we can install it with the apt command.

apt-get install -y composer

Next, install Invoice Ninja dependencies with the composer command below.

composer install –no-dev -o

  • –no-dev : Disables installation of require-dev packages
  • -o : Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump

When the dependency installation is done, copy the .env file and edit with vim.

cp .env.example .env
vim .env

Change the value of database settings below.


Save and exit.

environment setup for Invoice Ninja

Next, edit the database configuration in the config directory.

vim config/database.php

We are using MariaDB/MySQL database, go to the MySQL line 55.

‘database’  => env(‘DB_DATABASE’, ‘ninjadb’),
‘username’  => env(‘DB_USERNAME’, ‘ninja’),
‘password’  => env(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘aqwe123’),

Replace the password with the one that you have set for the ninja user!

Save and exit.

Invoice Ninja Database Configuration

All configuration files are edited. Next, migrate the database with the command below.

php artisan migrate

You will be asked to run the command, type ‘yes‘ and press Enter.

Invoice Ninja Migrate Database

Next, seed the database with all records.

php artisan db:seed

Type ‘yes‘ and press Enter to confirm.

Invoice Ninja Seed Tables

Generate a new application key for the Laravel project Invoice Ninja.

php artisan key:generate

You will see the application key.

Edit the app.php file with vim.

vim config/app.php

Go to the APP_KEY line 85 and paste the key we generated.

‘key’ => env(‘APP_KEY’, ‘base64:0o5QLWbNeDCNer064+600Hl8oJ20OPCIymadKJQ1RGo=’),

Save and exit.

Finally, change the owner of ‘/var/www/ninja‘ directory to ‘www-data‘ user and group.

cd /var/www/
chown -R www-data:www-data ninja/

Invoice Ninja is configured and ready for the installation.

Step 5 – Configure SSL and Virtual Host

In this step, we will generate an SSL Certificate file with the OpenSSL command and create new virtual host configuration for Invoice Ninja. If you are on a live server, you can use a free SSL from Let’s Encrypt instead of generating a self-signed SSL cert with OpenSSL.

Create a new ‘cert‘ directory for the SSL files.

mkdir -p /etc/nginx/cert/

Run the openssl command below to generate the certificate files.

openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /etc/nginx/cert/ninja.crt -keyout /etc/nginx/cert/ninja.key

Change the permission of the certificate files to ‘600’.

chmod 600 /etc/nginx/cert/*

Generate SSL Certificate for Invoice Ninja

Next, go to the Nginx directory and create a new virtual host configuration file named ‘ninja‘.

cd /etc/nginx/
vim sites-available/ninja

Paste virtual host configuration below.

server {
    # Your Domain Name -
    listen      80;

    # Rewrite redirect to https
    add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=2592000;
    rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent;

server {
    # Your Domain Name -
    listen      443 default;

    # Enable SSL for Invoice Ninja
    ssl on;
    ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/cert/ninja.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/cert/ninja.key;
    ssl_session_timeout 5m;

    ssl_ciphers               'AES128+EECDH:AES128+EDH:!aNULL';
    ssl_protocols              TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

    # Invoice Ninja web root files
    root /var/www/ninja/public;

    index index.html index.htm index.php;

    charset utf-8;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

    location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
    location = /robots.txt  { access_log off; log_not_found off; }

    # Access and Error Log for Invoice Ninja
    access_log  /var/log/nginx/ininja.access.log;
    error_log   /var/log/nginx/ininja.error.log;

    sendfile off;

    # Handle PHP Applications
    location ~ \.php$ {
        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
        fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_intercept_errors off;
        fastcgi_buffer_size 16k;
        fastcgi_buffers 4 16k;

    location ~ /\.ht {
        deny all;

Save and exit.

Enable the ninja virtual host and test the Nginx configuration, make sure there is no error.

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ninja /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
nginx -t

Now restart the nginx web server.

systemctl restart nginx

Invoice Ninja Virtual Host Installed

The Invoice Ninja virtual host configuration is finished.

Step 6 – Finishing the Installation and Testing

Open your web browser and type in the Invoice Ninja URL: You will be redirected to the https connection and setup page.

Invoice Ninja Installation

Type in the Application Settings, Database Connection, Email Settings, User Details and check the Invoice Ninja TOS.

Invoice Ninja Installation Configuration setup

Click ‘Submit‘ and you will be redirected to the login page of Invoice Ninja.

Type in your email and password, then press ‘LOGIN‘.

You will see the Invoice Ninja Dashboard.

Invoice Ninja Admin Dashboard

Invoice Ninja Settings Page.

Invoice Ninja Setting Page

Invoice Ninja Installed with Nginx and MariaDB on Ubuntu 16.04.




via LXer Linux News

April 28, 2017 at 04:17PM

neofetch: Awesome system info bash script that supports Linux, MacOS, and Unix-like systems

neofetch: Awesome system info bash script that supports Linux, MacOS, and Unix-like systems

The neofetch command written in a bash shell. The main purpose of neofetch is to be used in screenshots to display other users what operating system or Linux distro you are using including theme, icons and more. This command shows info about your system next to an image, your operating system logo and other info. Neofetch version 3.1.0 has been released. Let us see how to install the latest version and use it.

Universals installation method

Type the following wget command to grab the latest tar ball:
$ wget
Install it:
$ tar -zxvf 3.1.0.tar.gz
$ cd neofetch-3.1.0
$ sudo make install

Installing binary package on Ubuntu Linux 17.04+

Type the following apt command:
$ sudo apt install neofetch

Installing binary package on Debian Linux sid/stretch

Type the following apt-get command:
$ sudo apt-get install neofetch

Installing binary package on macOS (homebrew)

Type the following brew command:
$ brew install neofetch

How do I use neofetch?

Open the terminal app and type the command:
$ neofetch
$ neofetch options
$ neofetch --config off --bold off --colors 4 1 8 8 8 7

Sample outputs from macOS:

Fig.01: neofetch running on macOS
Fig.01: neofetch running on macOS

Sample outputs from Ubuntu Linux desktop:

Fig.02: neofetch running on Ubuntu
Fig.02: neofetch running on Ubuntu

See help for more info

Type the following command:
$ neofetch --help
$ neofetch --help | more

Usage: neofetch --option "value" --option "value"

Neofetch is a CLI system information tool written in BASH. Neofetch
displays information about your system next to an image, your OS logo,
or any ASCII file of your choice.

NOTE: Every launch flag has a config option.


    --disable infoname          Allows you to disable an info line from appearing
                                in the output.

                                NOTE: You can supply multiple args. eg. 'neofetch --disable cpu gpu disk shell'

    --os_arch on/off            Hide/Show OS architecture.
    --speed_type type           Change the type of cpu speed to display.
                                Possible values: current, min, max, bios,
                                scaling_current, scaling_min, scaling_max

                                NOTE: This only supports Linux with cpufreq.

    --speed_shorthand on/off    Whether or not to show decimals in CPU speed.
    --cpu_shorthand type        Shorten the output of CPU
                                Possible values: name, speed, tiny, on, off
    --cpu_cores type            Whether or not to display the number of CPU cores
                                Possible values: logical, physical, off

                                NOTE: 'physical' doesn't work on BSD.

    --cpu_speed on/off          Hide/Show cpu speed.
    --cpu_temp C/F/off          Hide/Show cpu temperature.

                                NOTE: This only works on Linux and BSD.

                                NOTE: For FreeBSD-based systems, you need to enable coretemp kernel module.

    --distro_shorthand on/off   Shorten the output of distro (tiny, on, off)

                                NOTE: This option won't work in Windows (Cygwin)

    --kernel_shorthand on/off   Shorten the output of kernel

                                NOTE: This option won't work in BSDs (except PacBSD and PC-BSD)

    --uptime_shorthand on/off   Shorten the output of uptime (tiny, on, off)
    --refresh_rate on/off       Whether to display the refresh rate of each monitor
                                Unsupported on Windows
    --gpu_brand on/off          Enable/Disable GPU brand in output. (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel)
    --gpu_type type             Which GPU to display. (all, dedicated, integrated)

                                NOTE: This only supports Linux.

    --gtk_shorthand on/off      Shorten output of gtk theme/icons
    --gtk2 on/off               Enable/Disable gtk2 theme/font/icons output
    --gtk3 on/off               Enable/Disable gtk3 theme/font/icons output
    --shell_path on/off         Enable/Disable showing $SHELL path
    --shell_version on/off      Enable/Disable showing $SHELL version
    --disk_show value           Which disks to display.
                                Possible values: '/', '/dev/sdXX', '/path/to/mount point'

                                NOTE: Multiple values can be given. (--disk_show '/' '/dev/sdc1')

    --disk_subtitle type        What information to append to the Disk subtitle.
                                Takes: name, mount, dir

                                'name' shows the disk's name (sda1, sda2, etc)

                                'mount' shows the disk's mount point (/, /mnt/Local Disk, etc)

                                'dir' shows the basename of the disks's path. (/, Local Disk, etc)

    --ip_host url               URL to query for public IP
    --song_shorthand on/off     Print the Artist/Title on separate lines
    --install_time on/off       Enable/Disable showing the time in Install Date output.
    --install_time_format 12h/24h
                                Set time format in Install Date to be 12 hour or 24 hour.

    --colors x x x x x x        Changes the text colors in this order:
                                title, @, underline, subtitle, colon, info
    --underline on/off          Enable/Disable the underline.
    --underline_char char       Character to use when underlining title
    --bold on/off               Enable/Disable bold text

    --color_blocks on/off       Enable/Disable the color blocks
    --block_width num           Width of color blocks in spaces
    --block_height num          Height of color blocks in lines
    --block_range num num       Range of colors to print as blocks

    --bar_char 'elapsed char' 'total char'
                                Characters to use when drawing bars.
    --bar_border on/off         Whether or not to surround the bar with '[]'
    --bar_length num            Length in spaces to make the bars.
    --bar_colors num num        Colors to make the bar.
                                Set in this order: elapsed, total
    --cpu_display mode          Bar mode.
                                Possible values: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
    --memory_display mode       Bar mode.
                                Possible values: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
    --battery_display mode      Bar mode.
                                Possible values: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
    --disk_display mode         Bar mode.
                                Possible values: bar, infobar, barinfo, off

    --backend backend           Which image backend to use.
                                Possible values: 'ascii', 'caca', 'catimg', 'jp2a', 'iterm2', 'off', 'sixel', 'tycat', 'w3m'
    --source source             Which image or ascii file to use.
                                Possible values: 'auto', 'ascii', 'wallpaper', '/path/to/img', '/path/to/ascii', '/path/to/dir/'
    --ascii source              Shortcut to use 'ascii' backend.
    --caca source               Shortcut to use 'caca' backend.
    --catimg source             Shortcut to use 'catimg' backend.
    --iterm2 source             Shortcut to use 'iterm2' backend.
    --jp2a source               Shortcut to use 'jp2a' backend.
    --sixel source              Shortcut to use 'sixel' backend.
    --termpix source            Shortcut to use 'termpix' backend.
    --tycat source              Shortcut to use 'tycat' backend.
    --w3m source                Shortcut to use 'w3m' backend.
    --off                       Shortcut to use 'off' backend.

    NOTE: 'source; can be any of the following: 'auto', 'ascii', 'wallpaper', '/path/to/img', '/path/to/ascii', '/path/to/dir/'

    --ascii_colors x x x x x x  Colors to print the ascii art
    --ascii_distro distro       Which Distro's ascii art to print

                                NOTE: Arch and Ubuntu have 'old' logo variants.

                                NOTE: Use 'arch_old' or 'ubuntu_old' to use the old logos.

                                NOTE: Ubuntu has flavor variants.

                                NOTE: Change this to 'Lubuntu', 'Xubuntu', 'Ubuntu-GNOME', 'Ubuntu-Studio' or 'Ubuntu-Budgie' to use the flavors.

                                NOTE: Alpine, Arch, Crux, Gentoo, OpenBSD, and Void have a smaller logo variant.

                                NOTE: Change this to 'alpine_small', 'arch_small', 'crux_small', 'gentoo_small', 'openbsd_small', and 'void_small' to use the small logos.

    --ascii_bold on/off         Whether or not to bold the ascii logo.
    -L, --logo                  Hide the info text and only show the ascii logo.

                                Possible values: bar, infobar, barinfo, off

    --size 00px | --size 00%    How to size the image.
                                Possible values: auto, 00px, 00%, none
    --crop_mode mode            Which crop mode to use
                                Takes the values: normal, fit, fill
    --crop_offset value         Change the crop offset for normal mode.
                                Possible values: northwest, north, northeast,
                                west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast

    --xoffset px                How close the image will be to the left edge of the
                                window. This only works with w3m.
    --yoffset px                How close the image will be to the top edge of the
                                window. This only works with w3m.
    --bg_color color            Background color to display behind transparent image.
                                This only works with w3m.
    --gap num                   Gap between image and text.

                                NOTE: --gap can take a negative value which will move the text closer to the left side.

    --clean                     Delete cached files and thumbnails.

    -s, --scrot /path/to/img    Take a screenshot, if path is left empty the screen-
                                shot function will use $scrot_dir and $scrot_name.
    -su, --upload /path/to/img  Same as --scrot but uploads the scrot to a website.
    --image_host imgur/teknik   Website to upload scrots to.
    --scrot_cmd cmd             Screenshot program to launch

    --config /path/to/config    Specify a path to a custom config file
    --config none               Launch the script without a config file
    --help                      Print this text and exit
    --version                   Show neofetch version
    -v                          Display error messages.
    -vv                         Display a verbose log for error reporting.

    --gen-man                   Generate a manpage for Neofetch in your PWD. (Requires GNU help2man)

See neofetch project home page for more info or to download the latest version.



via [RSS/Feed] nixCraft: Linux Tips, Hacks, Tutorials, And Ideas In Blog Format

April 26, 2017 at 02:37PM

Microsoft Will Block Desktop ‘Office’ Apps From ‘Office 365’ Services In 2020

Microsoft Will Block Desktop ‘Office’ Apps From ‘Office 365’ Services In 2020

An anonymous reader writes:
Microsoft is still encouraging businesses to rent their Office software, according to TechRadar. "In a bid to further persuade users of the standalone versions of Office to shift over to a cloud subscription (Office 365), Microsoft has announced that those who made a one-off purchase of an Office product will no longer get access to the business flavours of OneDrive and Skype come the end of the decade." PC World explains that in reality this affects very few users. "If you’ve been saving all of your Excel spreadsheets into your OneDrive for Business cloud, you’ll need to download and move them over to a personal subscription — or pony up for Office 365, as Microsoft really wants you to do." Microsoft is claiming that when customers connect to Office 365 services using a legacy version of Office, "they’re not enjoying all that the service has to offer. The IT security and reliability benefits and end user experiences in the apps is limited to the features shipped at a point in time. To ensure that customers are getting the most out of their Office 365 subscription, we are updating our system requirements." And in another blog post, they’re almost daring people to switch to Linux. "Providing over three years advance notice for this change to Office 365 system requirements for client connectivity gives you time to review your long-term desktop strategy, budget and plan for any change to your environment." In a follow-up comment, Microsoft’s Alistair Speirs explained that "There is still an option to get monthly desktop updates, but we are changing the 3x a year update channel to be 2x a year to align closer to Windows 10 update model. We are trying to strike the right balance between agile, ship-when-ready updates and enterprise needs of predictability, reliability and advanced notice to validate and prepare."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Fun-Time Waste

via Slashdot

April 22, 2017 at 10:08PM

How to execute sudo without password?

How to execute sudo without password?

If you are the only sysadmin or developer, you can skip password when you run sudo command. By default, sudo asks for the password. Here is how you can run sudo without having to enter your password.

I’m a new Unix system user. How do I use sudo command without a password on a Linux or Unix-like systems? I log in as tom@my-cloud-server-ip and disabled root login for ssh. After login, I need to run some commands as root user. I am the only sysadmin using my server. How do I run or execute sudo command without a password for a user named Tom under Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS Linux cloud server?

How to run sudo command without a password on a Linux or Unix



via [RSS/Feed] nixCraft: Linux Tips, Hacks, Tutorials, And Ideas In Blog Format

April 18, 2017 at 05:28PM

Termbox – An Easy way to Access Preconfigured Linux Command-Line Workspaces via Web Browser

Termbox – An Easy way to Access Preconfigured Linux Command-Line Workspaces via Web Browser

Folks, today we are going to show you about the fantastic website called Termbox where users can test/work almost six Operating systems through browser. It’s similar to Ubuntu online tour website which you might tried earlier. The main difference here is that offers only command line interface not for GUI.

Whoever wants to learn Linux without spending money & efforts (i mean no need to install Virtual Machine and Linux operating system on it) termbox is a right choice, only you should have a working internet connection that’s it. Also people who aren’t familiar with the command line to have a practice without damaging their own systems. This is the right place to kick start the Linux learning.

You can Launch a Linux box with two clicks from termbox, How ? It’s very simple, just select the distribution which you want to test then validate captcha finally click on launch button to launch the distribution.

After launch, you will get a Linux Terminal screen with root privilege. So play whatever you want and the session remains alive for 3 hours. Each boxes are securely isolated in their own virtual machine. Boxes and all their data are automatically deleted after 3 hours.

The termbox team is currently working on a new version in the name of FastStack that is built on LXD.

The following Linux distributions are supported as of now.

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Debian 8
  • Fedora 25
  • CentOS 7
  • Arch Linux
  • openSUSE Tumbleweed

It’s completely free, no sign up required and you don’t want to pay even single penny.

How to Use Termbox

Visit termbox website and choose the distribution which you want to test then validate captcha finally click on launch button to launch the Linux Terminal.

We can change the terminal theme if we get bored.

How its Working

Termbox using HyperContainer in the backend and hterm as a front end. Each box connected through a single public port which you can see at the botttom of the terminal page. Additionally you can’t use systemd command like systemctl to start or stop the services. Instead, look for the service file in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ and execute the ExecStart command manually.

HyperContainer Hyper is a Hypervisor-agnostic Docker Runtime which Make VM run like Container, by combining container & Isolated by VM.

Hterm hterm is a JS library that provides a fast & portable terminal emulator across browsers. It only provides the platform for rendering terminal output and accepting keyboard input.

Linux,Gray Matters


via LXer Linux News

April 15, 2017 at 01:13AM

Learn Swift Programming with No-Charge Books

Learn Swift Programming with No-Charge Books

Swift is a powerful and intuitive general-purpose programming language for the OS X, iOS, watchOS, and Linux operating systems. It is developed by Apple Inc. Swift is intended to be more resilient to erroneous code (“safer”) than Objective-C, and more concise.

Swift is a new language, first appearing in 2014. It is friendly to new programmers, feels familiar to Objective-C developers, and the language is optimized for development. It was launched under a proprietary license, but Apple made the language open source in December 2015 by releasing Swift 2.2 and later under the Apache License 2.0. By open-sourcing Swift, developers are able to use the language for their own purposes and go beyond OS X, iOS and watchOS apps.

Besides the official Swift Programming Language book (featured below), there are no other good quality open source Swift books. Given the short passage of time since Apple open sourced the language, this isn’t that surprising. There was an interesting ‘The Swift Book’, which is available under the MIT license, but it is mostly incomplete and updates have stalled. Fortunately, there are some excellent Swift books which can be read without charge which fill the void.

This article is referenced in OSSBlog’s series of open source programming books.

Swift Programming Language, The

By Apple Inc. (525 pages)

The Swift Programming Language is the authoritative reference for Swift, offering a guided tour, a comprehensive guide, and a formal reference of the language.

The book is available as a ePub, but there are PDF versions available to download.

This book is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License. Unfortunately, the rest of the books featured in this article are not released under an open source license.

Swift Pocket Reference

By Anthony Gray (186 pages)

This pocket reference sets out Swift’s modern language features, including type safety, generics, type inference, closures, tuples, automatic memory management, and support for Unicode.

Topics include:

  • Swift’s Run-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) and interactive playgrounds
  • Supported data types, such as strings, arrays, and dictionaries
  • Variables and constants
  • Program flow: loops and conditional execution
  • Classes, structures, enumerations, functions, and protocols
  • Closures: similar to blocks in Objective-C and lambdas in C#
  • Optionals: values that can explicitly have no value
  • Operators, operator overloading, and custom operators
  • Access control: restricting access to types, methods, and properties
  • Built-in global functions and their parameter requirements

NOTE: This book is not released under an open source license.

Learn Swift

By Aidan Finn (HTML)

The aim of this book is to quickly and succinctly introduce and demonstrate all the major features of the Swift programming language.

Chapters cover:

  • Running Code – create a simple hello world program and run it in Swift
  • Basics – sets out some of the basics of Swift
  • Constants and Variables
  • Static Typing and Type Inference – with reference to the benefits of static typing
  • Arrays
  • Dictionaries – learn how to perform some common operations on dictionaries
  • Tuples – a brief look at this ordered list of elements
  • Control Flow – if, loops, switch, altering control
  • Optionals – declaring, forced unwrapping, conditional unwrapping, using optionals, and dictionaries
  • Functions and Closures – defining and more
  • Classes – introduces classes, showing you how to define a class, methods, properties: stored and computed, lazy stored properties, property callbacks, subscripts, object initialization, deinitialization, inheritance, and more
  • Structures – highlights the differences between structures and classes
  • Enumerations – defining and using, raw values, associated values, associates values versus raw values, pattern matching with switch
  • Protocols – defining and conforming to a protocol
  • Extensions – defining extensions
  • Memory Management – highlights where you may need to get involved in the memory management of objects manually
  • Error handling – try, catch and throws, assertions, enums
  • Generics – a way of defining functions or types that can work with multiple different data types
  • What next? – some resources for building iOS or OS X apps in Swift

NOTE: This book is not released under an open source license.

What's New in Swift 3

By Paris Buttfield-Addison, Jon Manning, Tim Nugent (39 pages)

This book offers a concise tour of Swift 3 and its growing ecosystem. The book highlights the new features of Swift 3, and using it on non-Apple platforms.

This book helps the reader to:

  • Get a high-level view of Swift 3’s changes and new features, and learn how this version differs from Swift 2
  • Explore the Swift Evolution Process and the full list of accepted proposals—including those not yet implemented
  • Dive into Swift 3’s changes to the language’s syntax, standard library features, and other areas
  • Examine Swift 3’s use on the server, and use a simple program to learn about Swift’s use on Linux
  • Find further resources for learning about, working with, and converting projects to Swift 3

NOTE: This book is not released under an open source license.

Hacking with Swift

By Paul Hudson (HTML)

Hacking with Swift is designed for beginners to intermediate programmers wishing to learn Swift 3 and iOS development with real-world, practical projects. The e-book contains the following projects.

  1. Storm Viewer: Get started coding in Swift by making an image viewer app and learning key concepts
  2. Guess the Flag: Make a game using UIKit, and learn about integers, buttons, colors and actions
  3. Social Media: Let users share to Facebook and Twitter by modifying project 1
  4. Easy Browser: Embed Web Kit and learn about delegation, KVO, classes and UIToolbar
  5. Word Scramble: Create an anagram game while learning about closures and booleans
  6. Auto Layout: Get to grips with Auto Layout using practical examples and code
  7. Whitehouse Petitions: Make an app to parse Whitehouse petitions using JSON and a tab bar
  8. 7 Swifty Words: Build a word-guessing game and master strings once and for all
  9. Grand Central Dispatch: Learn how to run complex tasks in the background with GCD
  10. Names to Faces: Get started with UICollectionView and the photo library
  11. Pachinko: Dive into SpriteKit to try your hand at fast 2D games
  12. UserDefaults: Learn how to save user settings and data for later use
  13. Instafilter: Make a photo manipulation program using Core Image filters and a UISlider
  14. Whack-a-Penguin: Build a game using SKCropNode and a sprinkling of Grand Central Dispatch
  15. Animation: Bring your interfaces to life with animation, and meet switch/case at the same time
  16. JavaScript Injection: Extend Safari with a cool feature for JavaScript developers
  17. Swifty Ninja: Learn to draw shapes in SpriteKit while making a fun and tense slicing game
  18. Debugging: Everyone hits problems sooner or later, so learning to find and fix them is an important skill
  19. Capital Cities: Teach users about geography while you learn about MKMapView and annotations
  20. Fireworks Night: Learn about timers and color blends while making things go bang!
  21. Local Notifications: Send reminders, prompts and alerts even when your app isn’t running
  22. Detect-a-Beacon: Learn to find and range iBeacons using our first project for a physical device
  23. Space Race: Dodge space debris while you learn about per-pixel collision detection
  24. Swift Extensions: Try your hand at improving the built-in data types of Swift
  25. Selfie Share: Make a multipeer photo sharing app in just 150 lines of code
  26. Marble Maze: Respond to device tilting by steering a ball around a vortex maze
  27. Core Graphics: Draw 2D shapes using Apple’s high-speed drawing framework
  28. Secret Swift: Save user data securely using the device keychain and Touch ID
  29. Exploding Monkeys: Remake a classic DOS game and learn about destructible terrain and scene transitions
  30. Instruments: Become a bug detective and track down lost memory, slow drawing and more
  31. Multibrowser: Get started with UIStackView and see just how easy iPad multitasking is
  32. SwiftSearcher: Add your app’s content to Spotlight search and take advantage of the new Safari integration
  33. What’s that Whistle?: Build a crowd-sourced song recognition app using Apple’s free platform as a service. CloudKit
  34. Four in a Row: Let iOS take over the AI in your games using GameplayKit
  35. Generating random numbers: GameplayKit can help you generate random numbers in ways you soon won’t be able to live without
  36. Crashy Plane: Ever wanted to make a Flappy Bird clone? Now you can do it in under an hour thanks to SpriteKit
  37. Psychic Tester: Are you psychic? Of course not. But what if we could use our coding skills to make a game to fool your friends into thinking otherwise?
  38. GitHub Commits: Get on board with Core Data and learn to read, write and query objects using Apple’s object graph and persistence framework
  39. Unit testing with XCTest: Learn how to write unit tests and user interface tests using Xcode’s built-in testing framework

NOTE: This book is not released under an open source license.



via LXer Linux News

April 15, 2017 at 03:14AM

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